Customer service, but not just for diaphragm pumps
Service is a story of its own at Holland Air Pumps bv, as our service goes beyond just the delivery of a pump and its associated parts.
Holland Air Pumps delivers service with a vision, to avoid unpleasant surprises for you as our customer.
Prior to an overhaul/repair, we inspect the pump in detail and look especially for possible causes of defects, the results of which we communicate to you. This allows you to avoid future malfunctions or defects and keep a Holland Air Pumps pump in operation with the least possible care and expense.
Membrane pump repair
Repair with warranty; In our well-equipped workshop, our qualified service engineers always use the highest quality parts possible. And importantly, in case of emergencies, we offer a quick response. Of course, you can rest assured that a pump overhauled by us will be 100% reliable again!
In addition to service on Holland Air Pumps pumps, service is also provided on competing brands of pumps, so you can have multiple service jobs performed by 1 partner.
Clean statement: pdf version
Complaint form: pdf version